Wednesday, October 10, 2007

High Performance Engine Schools

A directory of schools providing quick and easy information about their programs, organized by location; and links to related career categories.

Maximizing power in high performance engines requires a special type of mechanic. This is a mechanic that works on specialized car engines that are custom tuned to maximize power output. Today's production line automobile is not the target for their work.

This type of mechanic knows about turbochargers, cylinder head modifications, cylinder head modifications, high performance ignition coils, and more. The engines they work on may have 10, 12 or even 16 cylinders. High performance engine schools provide the advanced mechanic with the training on how to build custom engines, maximize the horsepower of their engine, and how to modify the chassis, suspension, and axle setup of their car.

High performance engine mechanics find employment in specialty shops targeted at the hobbyist, or as a part of race care teams.

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